Urban Listing

by Cantchangeme   Sep 6, 2024

Maybe it was bopeep that killed her sheep
And maybe there’s a cannibal that looks after our kids when they’re in school
Perhaps there’s not
But that’s all I got
That’s all I know you know

Because I know that I can’t sleep
That it’s a sign of the times
And maybe if I ain’t sleeping then maybe I’m doing fine
I think about that dead man they found in his car on the roundabout
I wonder if he felt surrounded like he couldn’t get out without it

And could it be that the damned thing is the same status of the king
Could it be the things we’re taught really don’t mean a thing
And I’m feeling like I’m drowning daily in a coffee cup of thoughts and fears
There’s been dirty deeds afoot lately
So much I cant hear the birds
Singing in the car park


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