A Simple Hi

by No1ButMe   Sep 13, 2024

I deleted you from my life
Just like you had asked
Didn’t desire to be with me
Wanted to be left in my past
Left to wither in my memories
With no self control
Remembering a happy girl
That you selfishly stole
The cracks in my heart
Trying desperately to mend
Wondering when the tears
Will finally end
Struggling to breathe
When a certain song comes on
Takes everything in me
To try and remain strong
Without falling into the darkness
And let it consume me whole
Each day becomes a little bit easier
To replace what you stole
I’m picking up the pieces
Holding them tight
I won’t give them up again
Not without a fight
You still cross my mind
But now comes rage
I keep it hidden with my other emotions
Locked inside a cage
I can feel the burn
That still comes to my eyes
But I’m done with your love
No need to any longer rationalize
You don’t deserve excuses
For everything you have done
Now it’s time for facts
Even if the actions can’t be undone
As more time goes on
The hurt seems to be less
My mind clears just slightly
Even if it’s still a mess
My smile makes an appearance
Though it quickly fades
Eventually I will repair
Every break and hole you’ve made
I thought distance would work
But there are reminders everywhere
Telling me the love I felt was real
Even if you’re not there
I no longer have a need
To try and talk to you
And now I don’t blame myself
For everything we went through
I’m moving on with my life
Because I’m tired of just surviving
I will be in love and happy again
Even if right now I’m striving
Each day I get a little bit stronger
And I feel a little more sane
I had not recognized this person
That because of you I became
I put that mask away
Tucked away out of sight
Hoping I could eventually burn it
But now I’m holding it tight
I feel my emotions slipping
And I’m struggling to get by
All because you managed to undo everything
With just a simple “Hi”


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