Before this relationship
My heart was sore but whole
I opened up to you
About my past, about everything
I wasn’t mentally strong
Because of my trauma
But you used that against me
Wanted me to submit
At first I did,
As I’ve done with everyone else
Scared and damaged
But not broken
I healed and felt safe
Now my heart bleeds out
Because of so many papercuts
But each time you raised your fists
Was a cut,
Each time you called me names
Was a cut
Each time you put me down
Was a cut
Each time you made someone more important
Was a cut
Each time you flirted with someone else
Was a cut
Each time you blamed me
For something I didn’t do
Was a cut
Every time you didn’t trust me
Was a cut
Each time you accused me
When I did nothing wrong
Was a cut
Each time you made me cry
Was a cut
Each time I turned to self-harm
Because of you
Was a cut
Each time I didn’t want to be near you
Was a cut
Each time you did something
I had asked you not to do several times over
That disrespect,
Was a cut
Each time you told me I was crazy
Was a cut
Each time you made me feel less then
Because of my past trauma
Was a cut
Each time it felt like you knew nothing about me
And didn't want to get to know me,
Was a cut
Each time you tried to buy me,
Instead of apologizing,
Was a cut
Each time I had to hide my feelings
Was a cut
Each time you tried to change me
Was a cut
Each time you made me feel like I was
Asking too much of you
Was a cut
Each time you were passive aggressive
Was a cut
Each time it felt like you were using me
Was a cut
Each time you made me feel like I had
No where to go
Was a cut
Every time you made fun of me
Because of my hobbies
Was a cut
Each time you made fun of my
Favorite things
Was a cut
Each time I asked you to do something
And you would say no
But would do it when others asked you
To do the very same thing
Was a cut
Each time you second guessed
Something I told you that was true
Was a cut
Each time you lied and then
Got angry that I called you out on it
Was a cut
And after everything you left me
To bleed out
And made yourself the victim
While I was slowly dying
Dying by a thousand cuts…