Silver Lining

by Leah   Sep 19, 2024

Silver Lining

A girl surrounded by chaos
And more that she doesn't know
Trying to flee with her heart
And with nowhere for it to go.

Somehow, she found you,
A spark lit up in the night
Two souls unexpected,
Connection that only felt right.

And she tried to reject it.
To just leave all the feelings safely alone,
And she was so scared to have it. But...
Her heart knew, it was headed for home.

Out of nowhere this love transpired.
You're a silver lining that just happened to be,
Never knew I wanted, never knew I needed,
The kind of man to happen to her, but never to me.

A "never let go" silver lining,
You've awakened my soul.
Made me believe in true love,
I was a piece you made whole.

A "forever" silver lining,
The best part of my day.
A purposeful moment.
That I wish could settle and stay.

A "the one" silver lining,
Forever, I couldn't get it right.
Effortlessly you came,
Without confusion or fight.

A "butterflies" silver lining,
The kind you wait for much too long,
But the build-up is worth it,
Because true love is so strong.

An "It's too good to be true" silver lining,
That no one believes could be real.
The kind you see just in movies,
That you wish you'd get to feel.

A "Goosebumps" silver lining,
When you touch my skin slow,
And your hands and fingers wander,
To places, I do not see and I do not know.


Copyright © Leah Larae Dahl. Written for SS, 2024.


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