Divergent Directions

by Leah   Sep 20, 2024

Divergent directions, sincere sweet affections
I'm pulled towards him and then pulled away
I'm pulled towards you, don't know what to do
My life would be different if I choose him or you.

With you it's so easy, life would be so breezy,
But would that make me a bad woman to walk away?
I know you don't need me, but I know that you see me.
But I know you'd be successful if I didn't stay.

With him, it's chaotic, and not very erotic
Because it's kids here and there and its kids all the time.
And I know I'm a good mother too, he needs me more than you,
And I want a big family, and I know that I love him
and that I'd make do.

Divergent directions, no guarantees of perfection
Falling in love, but in love right now.
And my life breaks into sections, sincere sweet affections,
Need to make a choice, but I don't know how.

With you, I'd get to travel, see some cowboy gravel,
Love would as well. We'd have a few smart little ones.
And we'd have lots of fun, something I would have never done,
Find an old heritage house and enjoy a quiet calm sun.

With him, I'd get a big family, know that he needs me,
The perks of the company and the laughs and the jokes.
Holidays filled with noise, little girls and little boys,
And they'd be socializing, while he's out having his smokes.

With you, we could focus on us, the romance and the lust
And building that trust, that lays a foundation.
A love that lasts for all time, when you became mine,
And nothing else needed to enjoy our life.

With him, I'd learn sacrifice, a stepmother and wife,
Not putting my needs ahead of everyone all the time.
My daughter would have some friends, fun never ends,
He'd take care of me if I let him stay as mine.

With you, I'd have more time for me, find out who I'll be,
And I could do things that I'd always planned.
Write a picture book, sit in an old reading nook,
All this with the quiet of no yelling and sweet serenity.

With him, we'd have good intimacy, because he knows me,
And he'd do whatever he could to keep us together.
He'd do his best to make me happy, and I know that I'd be
Because I'd be given everything by a good loyal man.

Divergent directions, sweet sincere affections,
Like a yo-yo I go, back-and-forth, I don't know.
No matter what life I choose, I can't have it both ways.
Who would stay and love me until the end of our days?

Copyright © Leah Larae Dahl. September 19th, 2024.


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