The Whisperer

by Kylar Roose   Sep 29, 2024

Young fragile child
You hear whispers in your room
But when you go tell Mommy
She says nothing there, my little buffoon
You believe her and are about to go to bed
but you hear more whispers
under your bed
Who are you, you ask the whispers
They respond with
I like you can we be friends
You unwittingly say ok
And talk to them every single day
They tell you things that happen in the day
And in exchange, you and I have to play
You say ok and play with them every single night
But when you tell Mommy again it gives her a fright
You take her to the whispers but she cannot hear
Once again she says nothing is there my dear
You ask the whisper why mommy can't hear you
And the whisper respond with I'm in your imagination
But I am real so don't get scared
I'm in your brain you can take me anywhere
The boy starts to take the whisper to school
Where he's talking to himself at the back of the classroom
Where teachers come over and ask if your ok
Where kids come over and pick on you each day
The whispers tell you stuff that your not supposed to know
Stuff like that boy over there is a ghost
That only you can see
You go up to the boy and talk to him all of the time
But the kids at school say there's something wrong with your mind
Things start to change when the whispers get louder
The whispers tell you to say things you don't want to say
But you say them anyways
Cause the whispers said if you don't then I'll kill you
You ask the whispers why?
The whisper responds with because
I love to mess with your mind
I love it when people think you're not okay
when you are ok but since only you can hear me
They won't think your way
I am the whisperer and I love to play


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  • 4 months ago

    by Kylar Roose

    this is about a young boy with schizophrenia

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