Where did the sun go?

by Poet on the Piano   Oct 7, 2024

I don't want to sleep
because there doesn't seem to be a

I'll dream
of safety that won't last,
of a flame I can't keep lit
in my chest.

Or I'll dream
of my world closing in.
Him leaving again and again.
Me stuck in the dark,
no success at moving forward

The thoughts are back,
of course they are.
They never stay buried.
Please believe I tried
but the midnight hours
remind me of the futility.

I hate how easily I accept them,
these venomous thoughts,
ones I don't want to have.

I could do so much good,
I could have a positive impact
but instead,

I want to leave

like he did.

Only this time,
there won't be
a footprint to follow.


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