The Flight of Dandelions

by Golden AnGel Rhapsodist   Oct 10, 2024

I can still remember my weakened state,
Oh yes,  t'was my first day of school,
A poor shy girl wants to deteriorate
So afraid to be judged by other people.
We used to contain our emotions
Happiness, sadness,pain  or fear
Hide it sans any reactions
Be a quick-witted like a sharpened spear.
Courage is not the same for everyone
It can transpire in so many forms
And how can there be any wrong
If we live a distinct life as a person?
Words can be perfectly inspiring
For individuals who heard it right,
Or alternatively, most vexing
To those who have  conceited  minds.
As I grew up, I found the world transformed
Differ to the play in the class we performed,
It changed entirely my childhood dreams
Reality hits like a terrifying scream.
Life is an orchard of hopes and fear
frienship for true and enemy for reel
For some, it's like a nightmare and despair
Or just an awesome and lovely fairytale.
Mom always taught me to trust a few
Spend time with someone who will allow you to blossom
It's similar to a wind that will carry you
Lift you from the ground like the flight of dandelions.

© 2024 Golden Angel Rhapsodist a.k.a Gelyn All Rights Reserved


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