Shards of Healing Pt 14

by MyMuse   Oct 10, 2024

She stood before me, battered but radiant— A cracked porcelain doll, yet her smile blazed fierce. A snowglobe, held the weight of a thousand storms. Revealing scars that whispered tales of survival.

“His love—a sweet poison, laced with the air.
You spent on and off years entwined in a storm,
A love like wildfire, fierce and consuming.
At first, his passion was a whirlwind,
But soon, his darkness wrapped itself around you,
Creeping in like an early morning fog.

The shadows crept in with emotional abuse, darkening your days.
It began with Jack Frost’s breath with his whispers and possessiveness:
‘You’re mine. No one else could ever love you like this.’
His cruel remarks about your body became a relentless echo,
Chipping away at the fortress of your worth,
Until you were just a shadow of yourself.

Affection spilled like honeyed poison,
A whirlwind of sweet nothings,
The gale storm of his rage.
Emotional chains tightened their grip—
‘You belong to me,’ he'd hiss,

Then came the violence, stark and merciless,
Strikes landing where no eye could see,
Each blow calculated to shatter more than skin,
To fracture the spirit beneath.

Each strike a brutal reminder of your entrapment,
Hidden scars, silent screams, chipping identity
Afterward, he’d gift you tokens of false remorse,
Delicate ribbons wrapped around a heart in chains.
As if change could sprout from the soil of his lies.

You were reduced to an object, a vessel for his desires,
Intimacy twisted into a weapon—
A right he claimed, the love you guys shared turned into a cage.
A plaything in his merciless game of cat and mouse.

In public, his glance would send shards of glass down your spine
A silent warning wrapped in menace,
Reminding you of the price you'd pay,
For every misstep, every wrong turn, every wrong word
A reminder that home awaited—
A prison waiting to claim its prisoner.“

But here you stand, proud and healing. No longer shackled to his bed of despair— You took the key to your liberation.I was so proud of how you got away; making him feel small and trapped like you did all those years. Even though he stalked you afterwards; you weren’t going to let him win. Reclaiming your space, your voice, your radiant light. You are more whole again, no longer feeling small—It’s just you now, fiercely alive and free."


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