Shards of Healing Pt 16

by MyMuse   Oct 10, 2024

My voice feeling the weight of sorrow,
Tears spill like ink from the crumbling pages of my life—
Each drop an untold story, each streak a haunting memory,
Emerging from the depths of other selves, long buried and forgotten.

“These stories emerge from fractured selves, each one a desperate whisper,
Why do you linger in the dark, haunting corridors of my mind?
You bare your truths with reckless courage
Daring me to face the darkness, Daring me to listen, Daring me to feel.”

They placed their hands gently on the shards they inhabit
“Courtney, you’re reaching for the light, healing, and love.
Healing is never a gentle dance; it’s a tempestuous storm,
Fiercely beautiful and cruel mistress in its raw chaos
Remember, this journey isn’t just for you, but for all of us
Collective of seeds growing from our shared stories.

Those demons, relentless in their echo, claw at your heart,
Summoning venomous whispers shadows of yesteryears,
Hurtful words like daggers, memories steeped in sorrow,
But take a moment—see each jagged piece of the mirror,
For they are not mere fragments; they are the vibrant strokes
Of the masterpiece that *is* you, bold and beautifully broken.

We are woven into your every breath, your very essence—a tapestry of one soul.
You are not insignificant; you are a universe wrapped in flesh,
A constellation of stories—
You are everything

With every step you take, we will walk beside you in steadfast silence,
Holding the history of our pain and the promise of our healing,
United in this sacred pilgrimage, where tears become rivers,
And every stumble morphs into a powerful testament of survival.
United in this sacred journey, each heartbeat is a testament to resilience.
Together, we rise from the ashes of despair, from the darkness of nights to the lightest of dawns.”


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