The thunderous pound
Of feet running over ground
Echo against barren walls
While paint crumbles and falls
Her heart flutters in fear
As whispers molest her ears;
Webs of anxiety and pain
Intricately, thoroughly, flood her veins.
Her tears glaze and haze her sight
As she rushes through her helpess plight
To find her way through this labrynth
Of hallways laced with her sins run rampant.
Vibrant crimson coats her nails
As gashes down her arms do trail
From clawing at brutal demons
That sing and flourish from weakness -
She comes to a door that opens upon arrival
Revealing a being of darkness unbridled,
A looming epitome of hatred and rage
Holding within its crippled hand a decrepit cage
Their black, hollow, eyes full of chaotic despair,
Hauntingly, hungrily, stare
While a horrifyingly shattered smile
Shadows a question so vile -