Riddle me this riddle me that,
is there something wrong with the Cheshire cat,
catching a white rabbit in a black hat,
staying thin is the only way of being fat.
Where running mice are seen as ugly rats,
inquisitive children questioning Aladdin's magical mat
A dark hero known as the Bat
making sure you don't laugh at crimes tittle tat.
When the eye cannot comprehend magic,
like a penetrating flu that cannot make you sick.
Gobsmacked at two Ronaldo's kick.
Memorizing your number until my name became nick.
Driving past your door each and every day,
hoping your telephone call comes my way.
Each time you telling me we cannot kiss in that upper stair way.
Me running to you thinking of us until the sun smiles each and every seven day.
But when the time strikes, the rain comes to tickle all known pain away.
Are we all really alone in our own play,
the audience would sit,watch, listen, making sure our paths of our youth never to go astray, its all about choices as they say.
So let's fall asleep while the night stars shine,
with the moon sipping on its own glow of the final frontier wine.
Making sure the dreams we have at night,
Whispering to us to say that tomorrow will be as bright,
as an up high kite.