Smooth words have always gotten me
Tattoos are always a plus
Sometimes I fall for a facade
and sometimes I fall for trust
I've always said I love you
but I think that may be too much
because I think I may have over shot
the idea of what love is
In this case, I never knew
what this could turn into
I knew that I had found someone
that I had loved
We had a different relationship
He was really sick
The whole time I just wondered if
he felt the way I did
Then he passed one day
all I heard from family and his friends
was how much I meant to him and how we would have been
so perfect for each other
it didn't even make sense
I thought back how good he was to me
And how that was new to me
That someone could treat me with
Respect and Dignity
Even though he fought for his life
He always put mine first
That's finally the man that was
the time that it was worth