Strange Autumn

by Cantchangeme   Jan 27, 2025

The air in here is strange
I’ll admit I am afraid
What if there is no change
Stones are being laid
So what is our purpose now
To witness new horror
To be treated as animals
Marked out by a collar

When autumn comes around and leaves fall
Will they fall over the heads of your kin
Will you be just another bleeding heart
Or barrel to your head let them win

When did loving others mean losing everything
Why does it feel like all our dreams are faded
Like we’re in an era of running out of timeline
Like the caring amongst us must be degraded

I’m searching holding out for heroes
The thought they don’t exist leaves a sting
But heroes will never be heroes
If good people never do a good thing

No grace left to fall from
No morals left to preach
Dignity fat and bloated
Lies dead upon the beach
And yes I still feel
Angry but mostly afraid
Of this strange air
Where fresh stones are being laid


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