To be all,
reducing to null.
To become everything—
ending in nothingness.
Learning the zero to find infinity,
trying everything, creating the world,
only to return to zero,
to null.
Becoming centrifugal,
yet centripetally fleeing—
the zero to infinity,
learning that infinity is zero.
Two zeros,
two focal points mirroring,
repeating infinity in one another,
creating things,
plenitude of things—
yet amounting to nothing but zero.
Like how all angles return to zero, completing a circle.
Like solid objects,
centrifugal forces face their doom.
A spiral expands,
unaware that the more it expands,
the more it goes towards its beginning,
the closer it spirals inward to its origin,
back to zero again.
For centrifugal and centripetal
are but an optical illusion,
a zero in the eyes of the drunk—
a yo-yo of vibration.
Vastness returns to zero.
The universe is a circle that way, too.
A circle means all motions rotate
to find their non-rotating stillness—
their square.w