Dear Friend, Chapter 14: Visits of Despair

by Kryptonite Dreamer   Feb 28, 2025

I just came by to check in on you,
I know you’re not here with me,
But here we are on this bench,
Just feeling like we’re together again,
Telling each other how the past year has gone,
As if no time has passed on us,
But I can’t sleep anymore,
I can’t eat anymore,
Every time I think about you,
It no longer warms my heart,
I get cold,
I get hurt,
I tell myself you’re actually gone,
That and there’s no way to bring you back,
And yet,
I’m still drawn to this bench to meet up with you,
I’m still in the mindset that you can come back,
It’s been years,
Years since you left,
I despise this bench,
I tell myself if I just burn it than you’ll be free,
But unfortunately,
If you become free,
Than what’s my purpose to come out here,
Or anytime,
I need to have space away from this bench,
You need to be free,
Maybe next time I come,
Will be the time I set you free,
So rest well buddy,
I’ll see if you when I can


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