The explorers handbook

by Cantchangeme   Mar 1, 2025

A is for arsenic
Thats present on potato skin
B is for bulimia
For those wanting to be thin
C is for cancer
That lives in all of us
D is for drink driving
Like the driver of this bus
E is for ecoli
That grows upon your eggs
F is for fasciitis
Spreading up your legs
G is for garrotting
For when you can’t scream out
H is for Heat
When you splutter in the drought
I is for immolation
When it’s the flames that get you first

We’ve got to be
About half way there
Help me I’m dying
Here of thirst

J is for jumping up
Where you simply fall away
K is for karoshi
Everyone, every single day
L is for leprosy
When your losing face
M is for murder
Being put back in your place
N is for nail biting
And infection taking hold
O is oral varices
That burst and leave you cold
P is for policeman
Who knocks you down and sits
Q is for quartering
Which will leave you in bits
R is for roasting
Until your flesh is pull-apart
S is for sacrifice
And removing the beating heart
T is for train wreck
As it buckles and jumps its track
U is for undertow
That pulls you down to the black
V is for vein thrombosis
From sitting around still all day
W is for whirlwind
That carries you far away
X is for X-Rays
That put tumours in your mind
Y is for yentl syndrome
Which is quite rare indeed to find
Z is for zap
From a wire or perhaps a laser gun

As is shown
By this rhyme
It’s over
Before it’s begun


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  • 3 days ago

    by Timothy

    holy hell I cant believe a poet as old as me on here still has talent! I wrote a lot lately if you have a minute. Great original poem!

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