The Grove

by Synful   Mar 4, 2025

Gates of ivy and moss welcome me home
As I'm embraced by the loving tears of weeping willows;
Harmonious songs of siren dreams
Whisper from lazily gentle streams -

Just out of my fingertip's reach.

Flowers bloom with beauty so profound
One might mistake the sacred ground
For an artistic soul's masterpiece -
A place where my heart longs to be

One where I can be divinely free.

The emerald grass and ochre dirt below
Radiate strength back into my bones
As I fall to my knees and beg for guidance,
Lost between two worlds, strangled by defiance,

Willing the heart and mind into a soft alliance.

The grove before me, illuminated by moonlight,
Decorated with the splendor and essence of starshine,
Glistens and winks so entirely lovingly
As a ghost of a smile resurrects from decayed whimsy -

My time will come, but I must stay, I must wait, patiently.


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