You never liked this photo and thought that it was bland
It didn't zoom in on us, so you couldn't understand
Why I appreciated it, despite our presence small
And because it didn't focus, on anything at all
Yes, that was a while ago and now you have moved on
I still like to reminisce, despite the fact you're gone
This photo means a lot to me, although at postcard size
That I enlarged the negative, to be bigger for your eyes
Now it's like a painting, displaying in a frame
I'm sure that if you'd see it, it wouldn't be the same
Our expressions say it all, if only you'd look close
It was most unkind of you, to cruelly diagnose
The close up shows our smiles and fingers all in twined.
Did you forget the moment, or maybe you were blind?
When we were out in nature and climbed the highest hill
Embracing with each other, it seemed that time stood still
And unknown to you, a timer that I set
The camera took this photo and made our silhouette
Against the bigger picture, to show what we achieved
There's no mountain high enough, so we won't succeed
But I guess stepping stones, were never on your mind
That's maybe why with our love, you left it all behind
With all the higher mountains, you're yearning for their peak
And our smaller picture only shows, a hill that you'd critique