Without You

by MysteryMan   Mar 6, 2025

You bestowed upon me many cherished years
May they forever be in my heart
I carried the hopes of your returning for so long
Now it is time my fantasy of it to depart

I held on as much strength I could hold
The weight of all it was much too strong
In hopes of us to stay together
But yet I was wrong

In all of the greatest love leaves in turmoil
We had the most of it
We shared some good times as well
Only distant memories is what’s left of this

I don’t want to say goodbye to you
For then I accept the fact you’re be truly gone
To have loved someone and think forever
Again I was wrong

What I’m left with is lingered memories
I still feel the thought of you
At least I had known real love
But nonetheless the pain I couldn’t subdue

Time nor space can dismantle all we built
I wish they could deconstruct these walls
For someone else to climb and build anew
From the thought of you that I hold and stall

My mind tones the voices of you in my head
My heart plagues me of the reason you left
With all the sweat, tears, and blood I’ve given unto us
What can I keep to myself

I have to departure from the thought of us
Of all the time of your absence in hurt I’d be immune
A forever recording song of us
Plays in every tune

Together we shared so much time
I do not know who I am without you
In some small chance I’ll find
Being who I am WITHOUT YOU


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