Eighteen years ago, I was cradled in my mother’s womb.
Eighteen years ago, God whispered me into existence.
He saw me before the world did.
He knew me before I knew myself.
Seventeen years came and went
Some good, some hard, some unbearable.
Yet, here I stand, one more year added,
Not because I willed it, but because He did.
Some say, “I made it another year.”
But no—God carried me here.
His grace held me when I couldn’t hold myself.
His mercy spoke when I had no words.
So today, God, I thank You.
For every face You placed in my life,
For the ones who stayed, the ones who left,
For love. For lessons. For laughter. For her. Oh, her.
For grace that covers me even when I don’t deserve it.
You see my struggles.
I don’t hide them I lay them at Your feet.
Because every battle I’ve overcome
Is just another reminder of how deep Your love runs.
You know my heart, the weight it carries,
The dreams, the fears, the silent prayers.
And still, You’ve given me 18 years.
I own nothing. I deserve nothing.
But You, You are my everything.
And for that, I will never stop thanking You.