
by Walter   Mar 17, 2025

Although you walked
When I would run
You didn't even
Jump the gun

'It's not a race'
Which you would yell
'There's no line to cross
Or ringing bell'

And so we both
Went our way
Then I would smile
You walked astray

I kept my pace
While heading west
I want to win
And did my best

But then I saw
You would appear
Ahead of me
Not at my rear

I'd soon catch up
And then we'd halt
You must have cheated
And are at fault

'You didn't win!'
Which I'd protest
'I ran so fast
Now lost my zest!'

But you just smiled
And looked at me
I should have known
You won't agree

'Like I said before
That it's not a race
When we arrived
Both at this place

I travelled the world
And saw so much
When you just ran
We soon lost touch

But the life we live
It should be seen
From here to there
And all between

Just look at you
Now old and worn
Don't go so fast
I tried to warn

A full life lived
And I'm content
When I win my goals
Not arguments!'

Finally I saw
Your point of view
Life should be lived
When years are few

And to travel fast
Life will decline
But never wins with...
The shortest line


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