Happy Independence Day Namibia

by DavidPCarroll   Mar 19, 2025

Happy Independence Day Namibia.

On Independence Day
Namibia flags fly high and
Fireworks burst in the sky and
Hearts swell with great pride
And children are everywhere and
Singing we love Namibia
With so much pride

And families and friends
Will all gather around in Namibia
And stories of freedom are been shared
And happiness and laughter filling
The air and freedom rings
A joyful sound and with

Hope and dreams unite
Namibia is the place to be tonight
And together we stand tall
And forever proud and
Liberty is our song and

Under the starlit sky we will
Remember our loved ones
The true heroes known and lost
Whose valiant deeds
Whatever the high cost and
For freedom for Namibia and
And on this day we stop and pray
For the brave souls who sadly
Passed away fighting for this Independence day

And from generation to generation passed
The torch is carried to every Namibian
A legacy of strength of will of might and
We are all Namibians and proud and
To stand for truth and justice in our hearts

And our voices and loud and
Clear and a promise of brighter days
And together hand in hand we will shine

And so let unity's spirit forever
Grow and Namibia
Our country a rising star
And reaching for the sky and beneath
Our nation's flag and forever
And always Namibia
Our spirits will always fly high.

© 2025 David P Carroll.


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