Somebody somewhere

by Elise   Jul 19, 2004

Read my poem this is my plea somebody somewhere please help me
nobody knows me why cant they see
that there is something wrong with me
i try to smile i try to laugh
but no longer can i hide
i want to die i want to be happy and free
if i don't get help soon
i really think no longer i will be
i have tried and tried but no one cares
i have been sent place to place
cant these people see the tears running down my face
my problems may seem small and small they may be
but small is one thing they don't seem like to me
i wish i may i wish i might
i wish i could sleep at night
but no i cant instead i cry and think about how i want to die
no one cares they really don't
they run and hide and try they wont
no one cares so why should i
all i want is to die
somebody somewhere please help me
somebody somewhere hear my plea somebody somewhere please kill me


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  • 19 years ago

    by Gary Jurechka

    I must say you really capyure the feeling of desperation and deepnes of futility-the emotion you evoke is overwhelming, perhaps neding toned down in spots and maybe revised/tightened up a bit, but it does flow well and just reall burns into the heart with such pain and sadness.Trust me, life is better than death:life is so short, death is forever.Hope things are looking up since you wrote this!

  • 19 years ago

    by Elise

    Thank you for your comment

  • 20 years ago

    by julie

    aww... im sorry if you feel that way i hope you get better. but it was a great poem all the same! well done