
by XxCamyxX   Jul 20, 2004

Once lived a monkey named Jimmy the Ape.
He lived in a jungle always in shape.
Zoo people brought him to the city where he couldn't escape,
So his friends in the jungle sent him a tape,
That taught him how to fly back wearing a cape!!


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  • 20 years ago

    by Tasha

    wow ..thats freakin halarious ! lmao..great job.. dont mind that faggot @$$ joe ...its a funny poem

  • 20 years ago

    by Sw33ti3

    OKie there Joe r u on crack?? or r u high or wats ur problem...just b cuz she wrote a poem bout a monkey name jimmy doesnt mean that shes talkin bout ur gay@$$ bf...so go %%%% off!! Man i hate wen ppl r like that dont u camille?? dont mind that gay@$$!!it was a funny poem.. bye 4 now..

  • 20 years ago

    by ntv650

    I liked this one....