I sit all alone in my room
no one else is home.
my mom and dad are at the hospital,
David's at work,
Nathan's at a friends
and I'm all alone.
This is my special time.
The time when i can sit and think
with no one to bother me.
I think about my life,
my friends,
my family
and about my feelings.
Everything is unorganized.
so i take out a pen
and a piece of paper
and all i do is write.
This is my way of organizing all the thoughts that are going through my head.
Half the time its just a cluster of scribbled words
but it helps me better understand how I'm feeling.
i write these poems for me,
not for anyone else.
i don't care if everyone hates them or loves them.
but they come from the heart
and thats all that matters to me.
And that is why i write.
***ahahahahahaha omg this is the worst poem ever!! ha ha i was debating whether i should put it on here or not but i decided to only because a certain friend told me to. thanks****