What kind world do we live in?
There's hate every were u turn
I walk down the hall,
U yell ugly, loser, many other things
Yet most of u don't even know me
Ppl make jokes
They don't understand me
I act like shit don't fad me
But deep inside it eats me up
Y do u do that
Didn't god make us all one
Don't u bleed when u get cut
Don't u cry when u get hurt,
Life's a circle of pain,
You wonder y people bring guns to school
Why they kill them self
It's maybe because some people out there r
Too busy hating and judging others
Be for they even get to know them
I am down on my knees tonight praying to the one up above,
I ask u one questions only
Y do others hate me
Even tho I did nothing to them??