Comments : Darkest oblivion (fixt)

  • 20 years ago

    by PnQ Mod Account

    Very good poem... so sad! The rhythm and rhyme was so smooth and not forced at all.

    This is excellent!

  • 20 years ago

    by Million Tears

    very sad poem. but i really like the last few lines!!! about the blade gliding your skin.

  • 20 years ago

    by Lindsay

    Sad yes...and yet still amazing! Such power in such simple words! 5!!

  • 20 years ago

    by Danielle

    That's really amazing. Have you been through something like that? I think the reader would really feel a lot of that empathy in the poem.

  • 20 years ago

    by jack

    excellant rhythm, great flow

  • 20 years ago

    by kelsey

    well..the poem was AWESOME..brought tears to my eyes..i've never experienced anything like that..sounds horrific..but you did a damn good job expressing the way you felt about have a way with words and you need ta keep it up..and to that "Someone" out should be happy the author is still alive after what she went through w/ her boyfriend or husband >>whichever<< treating her like he did..i'm sure it was hard enough for her to let her feelings out..especially on a public site like keep your mouth shut and be glad there's decent writers out there..and they're meant to be encouraged..not to be shot down by narrow*minded comments like yours..keep your mouth shut and learn to appreciate good writing...BACK TO YOU! THIS DEF. GETZ A 5 FROM ME:):) -kelsey-

  • 20 years ago

    by ~:.GodeSsOfTemPtati0n.:~

    wow... such a lovely poem... i can really relate... well written... good job...

    hope u visit mine sometimes =) wrote few new poems =) needs an honest point of view =) thanx for sharing this... ciao

  • 20 years ago

    by Sherry Lynn

    Very emotional, excellent job


  • 20 years ago

    by gasping for air

    thats a really great poem... sad but great... good job.... i hope you keep going and plan on publishing your poetry some day.... they're good and i hope you can get as many ppl as possible to read them... and by the way, i write about cutting and suicide too and i havent done it... im too chicken, i dont handle blood or pain well at all.... thats why i used to punch walls and just scratch my arms with small sorta sharp objects.... its sad i know but its true... im not a very selfsecure and stable person..
    loves and hugs

  • 20 years ago

    by hayley williams

    Hey, i gave you a 5 for sure because i think your poem is amazing and so well written! xx

  • Hmmm.. thats pretty contrasting from the above poem of your own! I found a postive minded person advicing people not to cut in that poem, but in the this poem i am finding you cutting by yourself! I understand worst things are happening with you... I'll pray for you to have better days. Truly i will pray for you. YOu are a good hearted person. i could make it out from the above poem. You deserve to be happy. You will have happy days soon. YOu are an amazing poet. So much talent god has given you. Keep writing. See your next poem.

  • 20 years ago

    by Bettye

    That pretty much hit home for me. I've been through that too, and you're not alone. I've written a few poems about being in abused relationships too. Keep writing, you have great talent!

  • 20 years ago

    by Jacklyn

    hey what does fixt mean? it's not a word, not in the dictionary, my computer doesn't know it? you know what i guess your lucky enough i even read it!! PLP!

    ~lil slam~