
by Shea   Jul 23, 2004

When I look at you I think about the stars at night.
When I think about u I think about the sun in the daytime.
When u smile I can only see the moon.
To me you are everything I know.
You mean the world to me.
When you talk to me I can only here you and no one else.
When you look at me every thing else disapears except you.
When you walk past me I look at your every step.
I can never stop thinking about you.
Sometimes you're shy.
Sometimes I'm shy.
But we always seem to be able to talk with each other.
No one can take your place.
No one can be more important.
I dream about you.
I think about you.
You always seem to know what to say.
You never are mean or scared.
You always protect me.
I can never be scared with you.
You wipe away the tears from my eye.
I wish I could always be with you.
For the rest of my life I will be able to remember you.
But our relationship is not going anywhere.
I am staying with you.
You are staying with me.
I won't let you go.
I hope you don't let me go.
I will never wonder what our life would be like together,
Because we will always be together.
We are together.


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