So... Hot

by Molly Elizabeth   Jul 25, 2004

Boy you think your so damn hot.
Well I'm here to tell you that your not. Other girls they may be fooled.
Funny what good looks will do.
but i would never be with you.

Shame, really, your body going to waste. Your mind is such a waste of space. I thought that you'd be good for me, how much more wrong could i possibly be, you will never be with me.

The things you do they piss me off, no more damage can be done. Your brains so fried from what you do. I'm so surprised I'd ever even talk to you... it's safe to say, I'd never be your girl.

You mess around with your friends,
showing off, getting high thats what it's all about. But when the night is through... I'm not going home with you. At least your stupidity won't ever rub off on me. This is how it's going to be... Never ever, you and me.

You think your so damn hot,
let me tell you this, your not! You said you cared and that you'd stop. Now your so high you can't even walk. Why do you think your so damn hot?


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  • 17 years ago

    by kelly tavern

    Wow this person really did tick you off haha, great poem again everything was flowing and rhyming nicely 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by EssenceOfLace

    This poem should have a much higher rating than it has.
    this is what most boys are like. they think they are the "sh!t" but they arent.
    this poem was fun to read and i enjoyed how much it implied that he was "not hot"

  • 20 years ago

    by Johnny Mac

    Amen Freddy

  • 20 years ago

    by Molly Elizabeth

    ty so much!! i really appretiate it Jennifer

  • 20 years ago

    by Jennifer

    hey! this is an awesome poem! i likes!!!! i jus wanted to say thanks for commenting and do the same for you!! ne_ways i gave you a 5!! keep it up!