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by FireCracker Jul 28, 2004 category : Life, society / other
I have a picture A picture of Me It's the vision of myself That only I can see It's my perspective of me, Up & down. It's when people look @ me Weather I have a smile or a frown It's about my thoughts & what I think The picture includes My fav everything, like my fav food and fav type drink ! The picture of me is, My history, present and past. And that picture of me Will always last It's how I feel Towards me, & who I will become It's a picture of me being silly, Smart or just plain dumb The Picture holds My desires and my dreams And My picture to others Is not @ all as it seems There Is no real picture It's only in my head It's like book , I've already read! ………… Because, I have A picture of just an image of me, Only the picture I can See! No one else sees What I really see No one else sees My image, perspective, or Picture of me Because I have A picture of me, Or just simply A vision I see The picture is Just all about me And this one special picture, Only I see !