The seven deadly sins

by julie   Jul 28, 2004

I have been turned away from the gates of heaven,
Because of the deadly sins, i did commit all seven.
But I question God’s judgement, for if he had not forsaken me,
My ‘evil’ side would not be left to run free.
Gluttony? To consume my pain and devour emotion,
To drink lies and hate concocted in a brew of your potion.
Pride? to love one’s self, to in yourself only beauty see.
For you dear God, have taught me I'm alone and have only me.
Greed? to want for me all of their heart.
To want them by me, so we will never part.
Sloth? To want to relax in your evergreen palace,
And to savour its beauty, whilst drinking from my chalice.
Envy? to envy my mother, for being so kind.
For an old man to envy me, for I am not blind.
Wrath? to feel wrath, for being forsaken,
To behold wrath for my life you have taken.
Lust? to want to touch him and to love him,
To please him can surely not be a sin?
For my seven deadly sins, God! punish me if you will!
But if you forgive me of my sins, then the person i am you kill.
Nay let us not call them the seven deadly sins, but the seven holy sacraments of life,
For without those seven naughty pleasures we would have but strife.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Drew Gold

    Ah, i loved that piece.. very creative. i've always been fascinated with the seven "deadly sins" and this is a view in a totally different light.. liked the originality,..

    Sloth? To want to relax in your evergreen palace,
    And to savour its beauty, whilst drinking from my chalice.

    that was my fav line, though they were all good.. i really dont have any critique, unfortunately.. this is a pretty good piece.. loved the way you used the language, it gave it a unique quality to it all as well.. good job! 5/5

  • 20 years ago

    by joanne

    very good i like it alot

  • 20 years ago

    by Tourniquet

    This poem kicks @$$. I have gone to church in a long time and never learned the seven sins, so I thank u for telling me. Know that I know them I agree with what you say on how the sins aren’t really sin. No one, not even the person who wrote them down could ever live by not doing on of those at least once. So in a way we are all d@mmed to the underwourld.

  • 20 years ago

    by Jacki

    You are very creative well worth a 5!!!!

  • 20 years ago

    by LiL One

    This is really good, I really like it, it is well thought out and nicely written. Its different and thats what I like about it...LiL One