Third Wheel

by stephalee   Jul 29, 2004

A group of three
For all to see

Has done something to make one shout
And is to be left odd man out

She has become a third wheel
Nothing left for her to feel

For she is left alone while the other two together
Soon a friendship will be lost forever

When they split up and become mad
For neither of them will she feel bad

If they turn to her she will turn her back
because for what they did to her she wont be back

For this girl never accepts the third wheel
So she screams instead and pretends it’s not real

No one is left for her to talk
So she goes out for a long quiet walk

And as she walks she finds a jagged piece of glass
Just lying there in the muddy grass

She takes it home and locks her door
Then spills blood on the floor

The next time she sees them her face is pale
Sad and unwilling to tell her tale

Cuts on her skin
Remind her that she’ll never win

She’s become so thin she’s just skin and bone
Too weak to even answer a phone

They soon realize the mistake that they made
Has left her looking old and decayed

And suddenly know they should have never made her third wheel
As she died that night they just had to deal


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  • 19 years ago

    by quincy

    oh my gosh that is soo sad but really good..did that happen to someone u know or someting? if it did im really sorry i know how it feels to be the 3rd wheel it sucks

  • 20 years ago

    by Lostraindrops

    i like this poem <33

  • 20 years ago

    by hopelessregret

    Oh this is so sad, but it's really good... Thanx so much for commenting on my stuff, i really appreciate it...I'll keep commenting on yours!!!

  • 20 years ago

    by *Elizabeth*

    hey, I really like this poem...i know what its like being the third wheel...anyway..beautiful poem!

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