Magic Place (Shakespearean Sonnet)

by Brandon Evans   Aug 1, 2004

Feel the fire
Embrace the love inside you, so bright
Giving in to our deepest desire
We are one now, baby hold tight

Your eyes glowing with passion
Your skin so soft and sweet
Your lips, full of compassion
Tender from head to feet

I am only alive inside you
My love, I cannot sheathe
Our ecstasy will never subdue…
I mutter, as I feel you breathe

Heaven holds but a candle to our newfound loving bliss
We taste the manna of the gods whenever we share a kiss

Shakespearean (English) sonnet.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Jesse Ray

    When my english teacher made me write a shakespearean sonnet, he told me it has to have 10 syllables. Now I'm guessing my English teacher has lied to me =( lol

  • 19 years ago

    by Jesse Ray

    When my english teacher made me write a shakespearean sonnet, he told me it has to have 10 syllables. Now I'm guessing my English teacher has lied to me =( lol

  • 20 years ago

    by Rebekah

    Brilliant poem, so beautiful written, loved it Bek x x x

  • Thats what i really like in your poems. You let the reader find meanings... You don't write it too wrapped but the same time not too clear.. So it makes the reader think and think...This is again one real good poem.. With many meanings... Your poems are very interesting. I like to read them over and over.

  • 20 years ago

    by Brandon Evans

    It could be left up to the reader to decide, but when I wrote it I was thinking more along the lines of a physical presence in someone...

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