The Day I Met You

by Liz   Aug 1, 2004

June thirteenth,
Eight o\'clock,
I was shocked,
You said Hello,
When no one else did,
You smiled at me,
Even when I hid,
All my feelings locked away,
Until that most wonderful day,
We talked all night,
I liked you alot,
Even if you weren\'t in my sight,
Disembodied words is what you were called,
I tried to tell myself that,
But my mind stalled,
I couldn\'t say it,
You were more,
That\'s for sure,
My heart was secure,
Instead of a mess.

I began to feel love,
Which I hadn\'t before,
You were more,
more than a friend,
You were family,
My broken heart, you could mend,
My frown, you could bend,
I met you at this place,
Called you \"Big Brother Ace.\"

Then one day,
I hate to say,
But you changed for the worse,
You started drinking and smoking,
I prayed that you were joking,
Then I started to cry,
Choking on those salty tears,
Realizing all my fears,
Fearing the day,
When your brother would say,
\"He\'s been killed in a car accident.\"
I lay in bed,
My hands holding my weak head,
Tired of crying,
And tired of trying.

I told you my fears,
Drowning in tears,
You just yelled at me,
Why couldn\'t you see,
How worried I was?
Did you ignore me cause...
I am annoying and younger,
Or because you are stronger?

I guess you\'ll continue to change,
And think my worries are strange,
Just understand that no matter what,
I will still think of you,
I will still love you,
Hoping that,
You worry too...

\"Sometimes you wake, and fall. Sometimes you wake, and fly.\"

Is what you would say...


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  • 20 years ago

    by Anahi Redondo

    that's a great poem. sort of describes what's going on with me.