Ex-friends forever

by Kaye Prosser   Aug 1, 2004

I need to stop dwelling on what happened
And know that you can no longer be my friend
Not now or in the future,
I need to stop crying and hiding from what is true
And the truth is we can never be friends,
There are those times were we pass each other
And I think that I miss you so much,
And just wish that we can be friends again,
But then I look back at all those lies
And how you betrayed me,
And all I can do now is cry and hid
But now I will stop my crying,
And I will stop hiding
And look at the truth
And that is we can no longer be,
But I still have those dreams,
Were we are all together, and hanging-out like we used to
But I know those dreams will never come true
So please don’t try and make things better,
Cause your hurting me more,
And please don’t say sorry, and say you want to be friends,
Cause its hard for me to ever trust you again,
So good bye my old friends,
Good bye!

Kaye Prosser

*This is to all my old friends that are not with me any more!
(*they don’t hang with me any more…)


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  • 20 years ago

    by Liam

    hey, cool poem! dont worry bout loosin friends its meant to happen! my closest friend ive only known for over a year, but he still rocks and feels like hes been there since i was born

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