A Soldiers Letter

by Lost in Love   Aug 1, 2004

Dear my love
I miss you so
I can not wait
Till you come home

I live my days
With all these fears
That you won’t make it home
And I won’t have you near

The kids ask me
Where did daddy go?
Is he coming back?
As I fight back my tears I tell them I don’t know

I tend to stay awake at night
Cause I cant fall asleep without you
If you weren’t to make it home
I don’t know what I would do

I wouldn’t have the strength
To get through the day
And all the questions our children asked
I wouldn’t know what to say

I don’t think I could
Live my life all alone
So please baby promise me
You will come home

Dear my baby
Sorry it took so long to write back
Time is something
That I lack

But I will always
Make time to write
Just to let you know
That I’m alright

Don’t forget to tell the kids
Daddy sends his love
And for me give them
A lot of kisses and hugs

And just remember
When your laying their at night
That you’re never alone
I’m always holding you tight

And I promise you
I’ll try my best
To get home to you
And pass this test

But if I don’t make it back
Just tell the kids daddy is okay
And just know I will give you strength
Every step of the way

A few days later
His wife received the letter
And wrote him back as soon as possible
Just to make sure he was better

She sent out the letter
And weeks went by
She was getting worried
Because their was no reply

The next day
The doorbell rang
A man in uniform stood there
And say a letter has came

Her eyes filled with tears
Hoping it wasn’t what she thought
She opened it up as slow as she could
She was getting nervous and very hot

All of a sudden
She dropped to her knees
Crying and screaming aloud
You promised me

She went to the back
And sat there for days
Being quiet around the kids
Because she didn’t know what to say

But then saying to herself
He is not the one to blame
That he fought to save our lives
So she shouldn’t feel any shame

That night she layed in her bed
And the kids walked into her room
They softly whispered
Mommy is daddy coming home soon

She put them on the bed
And pulled them both near
She pointed to their hearts and said
Daddy never left he is and always will be here

She knew that every day
He was watching over her and the kids
And that he would always be there to help us
Because he fought for us to live


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by Raydeen

    Omg. I got tears in my eyes. wow. that's such a good poem. keep it up. 5/5.

  • 20 years ago

    by Jessica

    OMG!! That was amazing. It brought tears to my eyes. There are so many people out there who have to go through the same exact thing. My uncle was killed in Vietnam, so my whole family can relate to that.
    Take care

  • 20 years ago

    by Janice Brown~©~

    OMG i love your poem so moving
    luv u
    great work

  • 20 years ago

    by Natalie84

    This was so amazing.......God it truely touched my heart. I have been trying for the last hour to try and write a poem dedicated to the soldiers who every day risk their lives and I am having some difficulty so I wanted to read some of other peoples to see if anything hit me. Nothing has!!UGH!! lol I just wanted to tell you this is such an excellent poem.....Take care and God Bless

  • 20 years ago

    by Lost in Love


    Thanks for the comment. Yeah my dad is in the military too. Ive always thought about joinin but as the years go by i decide not to because i dont know what i would do if i never made it back and i dont want my kids or wife to live how my family did. And no need to say thank you i just write what i feel. Again thanks for the comment.

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