Taking his life

by Bre*Baby   Aug 2, 2004

We could have worked things out
things could have been alright
but you had to take the easy way out
you had to take your life
you couldn't take the pressure
you couldn't see the light
you had to think everything was
grim and dark you thought it was all your fault
for the problems that we had when really
i was the one who had seemed so sad
you never seemed to have a frown you always
showed your happiness no matter what we
went threw no matter if we got into fight
i never knew i hurt you this much
only if you would have told me maybe
we could still be holding each other tonight
instead you had to go the party
and do all those drugs they found deep inside your body
you had to take that knife and cut deep into your skin
cutting the vein breaking it in, I wonder if you thought
maybe this is wrong maybe i should stop
or maybe you just thought how i never seemed to care
even though i really did, I'm sorry that it seemed
like i was never there but you have to understand
that i couldn't always be the "Perfect" girl i had problems too
i mean i had the scars to prove,but i guess you can't show
scars that are on you're heart maybe if i would
took the time to notice took the time to care
this evil demon wouldn't have taken your body
and taken you away from the family that has always cared
i walk down the hall's in school getting the evil looks i
deserve for making you do this for making you take your life
i have no friends as i silently sit and cry coming home
to realize that your not gonna call
i wish things could have been different i mean who'd
you have to take those drugs and use that knife well
one thing we all know that it's always been my fault
i should be where you are .dead and all alone
so thats why I'm holding this knife holding it up to my skin
cut after cut now another one's dead i guess thats what
i get for never really listening for never really caring
two people dead and one UN-resolved fight.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Neha

    wow...great poem!!....5/5.....ur an awesome writer....so keep writing!

  • 20 years ago

    by ├Truely_Spoken┤

    Just utterly great. wow, thats all i gotta say. Check out some of my poems when u get the chance.

  • 20 years ago

    by Idiosyncratic

    awesome poem! i love how it tells a story, and the ending is REALLY good, 5/5 definitely, great work!

  • 20 years ago

    by Paige

    That was really gorgeous 10/10 :D
    I think evry1 in sum way could relate 2 it :)
    Take care
    :) Paige (:

  • 20 years ago

    by Stacie

    <pours water on you, your write sad poems and it makse me feel sad because you write poems about death and depression and if anything ever did happen to you then I would go insane. Because I love you because you are 1 of my best friends and I have few best friends. This poem was really good and sad.
    loads of love

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