Comments : Imagination

  • 17 years ago

    by Cella Bella

    This is quite amazing. The message is very clear and the rhyme and flow blew me away. 5/5


  • 17 years ago

    by Ingrid

    Or we can imagine ascending and uniting with the Creator with a beautiful imagination

    Yes...this is what we should do..I totally agree with these words!

    Congratulations on this beautiful poem!

    Take care,


  • 17 years ago

    by BECCA lessTHANthree

    Wonderful poem.. the rhyming is perfect in this poem as well as the flow..

  • 16 years ago

    by My Mistakes

    I found this poem an interstind read......very well done.

  • 15 years ago

    by Ashley

    You are a very great poet an I love how everything usually flows. This poem touched me a lot so u decided to comment lol. Yeah but this is very great of you to be writing about these kind of things and you really seem to expand on it and make it clear of what your putting out.

  • 15 years ago

    by East Poetry

    I agree, I agree, I agree.

    Ive said it once.... Ill say it again. You are one of the few poets that write on topics that are deep and fasinating. Im pretty sure y our already in my favorites. but ill confirm. Each and every time, As I find something new of yours, it continues to confirm to me, that I can find fellow deep thinkers. Your poems are always really cool.

    Have you read my latest???
    I'd enjoy your thoughts
    its called Shine through.

  • 14 years ago

    by victoria

    This poem sent chills down my spine(In a very good way). Its honestly hard to describe how i feel about this. I enjoyed it alot. Imagination can be good or evil..ive always believed in that. like the quote by einstein says .."Imagination is more important than knowledge". i honestly belive in that.
    Great job.


  • 14 years ago

    by H. Elizabeth

    This is just wonderful. I love it so much! I really liked the part, "But I cannot imagine creation without a Creator". This so so true to me. I can never think of planet Earth without thinkin' of Our Father, Lord, and Savior--God.


  • 14 years ago

    by Robert Daniel Long

    We only can concieve things finitly ,when GOD is His supremeness is infinite this is beyond our conception and scope, faith is believing in things unseen with a hope for this to be seen
    athiests have to convince themselves to be different when all that you are screams that there is

  • 7 years ago

    by mossgirl19

    Oh, another great piece! I'm a Christian, and I love this very much.