A New Beginning...

by HOLLY ARMER   Aug 4, 2004

A new beginning...
starting over from here.
A new beginning...
the future looks so clear.

A new beginning...
leaving you in the past.
A new beginning...
hoping the pain won't last.

A new beginning...
finding someone new.
A new beginning...
forgetting all about you.

A new beginning...
finding a love that is real.
A new beginning...
being able to say how I feel.

A new beginning...
where love is all around.
A new beginning...
trying to keep my feet on the ground.

A new beginning...
looking down from above.
A new beginning...
now I know true love!

*Any vote/comments appreciated*


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  • 20 years ago

    by Harry Bryant

    another good one, keep up the good work Holly, and we will keep reading, thank you fopr sharing with us. harry bryant

  • 20 years ago

    by PnQ Mod Account

    Wow! another great one! I loved this!