Needed Courage

by Sammie Moore   Aug 4, 2004

Spiraling down the abysmal hell hole of life.Wrists being sliced with razor blades, blood spilling in waves on the floor.Heart is so back resorting to stabbing friends in the back, Hurt and Pain all around me, but as long as they are as unhappy as I am, who gives a rats ass? My life sucks, Thoughts keep flashing to suicide, but I'm too chicken to end it, to afraid to apply pressure. So I settle for the cutting pain, and let blood droplets spill on the floor.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Mlkdipdcookie ©

    hey sammie, this is awesome. i'm sorry for all the pain that was poured into it, but it's great writing; it's real.


  • 20 years ago

    by Angel16

    listen and read over what you it true...if so i have alot of questions about drama that has been brought my way...

  • 20 years ago

    by Amy

    Really intense and descriptive..i liked it a lot, keep writing

  • 20 years ago

    by Sammie Moore

    lol, thanks

  • 20 years ago

    by Michelle

    omg, i love your poem so much!!!