Shattered Heart

by Mana Lynn   Aug 7, 2004

Inside my sleeve,
I pull out my heart,
handing it to you,

"careful it's fragile,
and easily falls apart."

Extending your arms,
you take the heart in your tender warm hands.

It falls into a million shattered pieces -
On the floor it lands.

You begin to bend down to pick it up,
sorrow and sadness in your eyes.

Apologies are not enough.

Looking at you with tears in my eyes,
I ask you not to pick up
the pieces of a heart
that has fallen apart.

I am the one who needs to pick up the pieces
of my shattered heart -
one by one,
piece by piece.

I need to put it together again,
some how.
some way.

Each piece of my heart has a memory so true.
Each piece of my heart has part of you.

You are the one who is leaving
to start a new lease on life.
I'll just be here on my knees picking up the pieces of a heart
that feels like it's being pierced with a knife.

All my tears
won't keep you near

All my tears
won't mend what's not here.

Again I look at you
with a whisper in my voice,
The only way my heart will mend and finally be complete,
is if you and I can come together
without being discreet.

You see, what we have
here and today,
helps me face the world,
with a love for you that gives a glow -
but now, my darling, you made a choice.

My heart is on this floor,
shattered and broke.
With each piece I pick up -
I need to learn to let go.

*This is choppy because my feelings are very strewn right now and mixed up and I'm very confused and don't know what to think. Thanks for reading it though!*


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  • 20 years ago

    by Broken

    wow! amanda...that was really good....(this is merrily by the way) ...anyway...i hope things worked out..keep your head up and stay strong...


  • That was a great poem. Filled with pain. Sometimes we loose something, so that we can gain something more beautiful.MAy be something more nice is waiting for you. Cheer up. Hope things turns out better for you. If it's your first poem, you have ever written, then this is an amazing piece of work. I am waiting to read your next poem. Regards,

  • 20 years ago

    by Sean Allen

    I liked it, but I think you can definitely improve it. The rhyming was okay but sporatic, which is fine. But I think you should work at creating a rhythm for this poem, because right now it is jumbled. I know you said that you are confused right now about the topic, and that is fine, but later, when you figure things out, I think you should consider editing this poem. Good work!

  • 20 years ago

    by Sierra Rae

    Hey Hun,
    That was a really good poem-even if you don't think so!!! I really like that, I like how it's all chopped up like that and not the same the whole way through. And don't worry, everything will get better for you, because you know that you have me, you can call me anytime-even at 3 in the morning. I really love you, and am so lucky to have a friend like you!!! And please keep writing!!!!
    Actas!! (always closer than a sis)
    Sierra Rae

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