I had a dream lastnite...one last time

by Sammie   Aug 7, 2004

I had a dream

You were there.

I was in an old

A memory lost
you could say

There you were
I was there too.

We looked so

Our love looked
so new.

I had a smile
on my face.

You were
trying to hide a

You were holding
my hand so tight.

So lovingly in this

A memory lost
in time.

One I've tried
to forget a
million times.

In my dreams
I can never erase
these many
memories of...
you and me.

I had a dream
the other night

I was in another
old memory.

Lost in a scene..

But this time
I knew just what
was to come.

How could I
ever forget?

I'll always, always
remember what
happened that day.

It was raining all
around us.

The light of the
storm did surround

A vision you'd think
would be a great site.

I had you in my arms.

You were almost ..

There were tears in
your eyes and in

You begged me...
not to cry.

Asked me to..
smile just one
last time.

The dream ended
as we said goodbye
with a broken smile
and tears in my eyes.

When I awoke my
mouth tasted of salt.

From tears shed often
through the nite.

I had a dream lastnite
one last time.



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