Best Friends Vows

by Sierra Rae   Aug 8, 2004

I take you to be my best friend
my closest confident
with whom I share my life
My hopes, and my dreams.

You are the one who can see through my smile
and look straight into my soul
and you know me from the inside out
I don't question your commitment to our friendship
or your desire to help with any need.

I am here to console and comfort you
I'll be with you through difficult times
I will encourage you; laugh with you
Grieve with you and cry with you
I will share life's simple joys with you
I will catch you if you start to fall
I will always be faithful to you, my friend

You are my best friend above all
with you I am a better person and I can be myself
You lift me up when I am down and you give me purpose to live
You understand me, and without you I would be broken
Without you I'd be incomplete.

Through problems of the past,
pressures of the present
uncertainties and trials of the future
I will be here for you
through playing and fighting
hanging out or blocking calls
heart breaks and crushes or true love
through peace and happiness or war and sadness
I will do my best to keep our friendship alive always.

This bracelet is a promise and a reminder
That I will ALWAYS be here for you
That you will ALWAYS be my long lost sister
that you will always have a place in my heart
and you will always have a piece of me near you.
and that I will Love you FOREVER.

*I gave this to my best friend for her 16th b-day (which isn't for another week, but I just couldn't wait!) I put in in a frame and made the background two black and white pictures of us and taped a best friends bracelt with a little diary key on it to the paper. She read it when she was over at my house and she started smiling and crying and she gave me this big hug, it was the sweetest moment of our friendship. PLeAsE Comment and tell me what you think of it!!!*


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  • 20 years ago

    by Sierra Rae

    And this is Me and the Girl that I gave it to, Mandi if the picture shows up!!!

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Free Image Hosting at" /></a>

  • 20 years ago

    by Mlkdipdcookie ©

    wow, i got teary-eyed, lol. i'm gonna send it to my best friend. excellent joob. ;-)

  • 20 years ago

    by Oobie

    This is so cute...Love it ...check out some of my poems..there are some cool friendship ones too.
    ---you know how I do---

  • 20 years ago

    by blowakiss4u

    I thought it was awesome! I really liked it. I wrote something like for one of my friends but it ended up making her rethink our friendship and so now we're just friends because she didn't feel like she could commit. Could you comment on my poem which i wrote for her? It's called "Kaylie." Thanks!

  • 20 years ago

    by Eibutsina

    Iwould have cried getting this too! Its beautiful hey! Whatta loively gift for your BF, so heartfelt, it was your lil tale at the end of your poem that brought tears to my eyes - tho the poem itself is also great!