
by FireCracker   Aug 8, 2004

I'm lost
and can't be found
I lost myself
when the real me
fell to the ground

I've lost myself
and DON'T know
who I am anymore
I've lost myself
I've locked the door

I looked around
all up and down
But I can only
seem to find a frown

I'm not ME,
the person I used to be
I've changed and I'm not
sure If everyone can see

I didn't do anything
How was I to know
It'd end this way ALL ALONG

I'm not the person
I used to know
And now my true feelings
not even I know

But I do know
I'm lost
and I didn't know
It would be, @ this great of cost

I'm not sure where I went
or where the real me is today
I'm not sure where I have gone
but I know I've gone away

I don't when I lost myself
so deep down inside
but the fact I'm lost
I can't forever hide

I'm lost
and I can not be found
I'm already lost
and I've looked all around

No one knows
no one really DOES
I just hope one day I can find
where I really was .. .. = /


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