You never knew,
u changed my life,
you took my pain awy.
and now i can't ever tell you,
becuz u died that day..
you never knew,
that u were the one,
that i could run to..
and now that u aint here ma,
i dont kno what to do...
its too hard for me too hold it in,
yet too painful to cry...
and i cant hide the fact that im sad ma, cuz i cant live a lie...
you told me to keep on keepin on,
to give it all ive got,
you told me to keep my head up stay happy, but damn homie im not... is it tru that ur never comin home, ill neva see u again? its ben almost a month and i cant hol this in... r u lookin down on me homie, r u up ther somewhere? my family telln me ur with me, but ur not really here. keepin u in my heart is causin it to break. wakin up every mornin is almost too much to take. so im fightin thru this ghetto life, im fightin thru this pain. you neva knew u were the one that helped me win the game. u neva knew how much u meant to me, 12 years u were my peeps. now ur nowhere to be found, but in the ground dug deep.
now tears are fallin from my eyes, but i aint scared to cry no mo...cuz holdin it in is makin me wish i was with u in that hole... damn homie can u hear me, can u help me get back up? i wish they really knew.cuz sumthin like this shit is tearin me up damn sometimes i jus wanna be thru.. can u hear me, if u can jus hold my hand for a while, give me one more hug, help me walk that mile... id give anything to tell u all the things u never knew... but i cant so ill end and tell u koolaid i miss you...