Our Youth

by gasping for air   Aug 13, 2004

He goes to his room,
To smoke a joint.
She falls to the floor,
As he proves his point.
He walks the streets,
With a gun in his pocket.
She hides the blade,
In her school jacket.
He wtches his brother,
Get shot down.
She hides her head,
As her parents frown.
He takes care of his siblings,
While his mom gets drunk.
She loses her virginity,
While screaming that he's a dink.
He hides out at a friend's,
As cops comb the streets for him.
She cries out,
As he breaks her limb.
They wonder,
Every single day.
Will it ever end,
Or is it here to stay?
They give up,
There's no hope.
It's too much,
For them to handle or cope.
So they spend day after day,
Year after year.
Pretending it's okay,
Always holding back a tear.


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  • 18 years ago

    by *~vixen~*

    Hey i have a new poem caled "The Black Rose Night" check it out
    thanx :)

  • 18 years ago

    by *~vixen~*

    Great, but so sad, i can see this story folding out in front of me, oh yea i took your andvice on the poems of mine that you rated and said they were short so i lengthend them. thans :)

  • 20 years ago

    by Kia

    Chilling truth... jus chilling... very well.. awesome

  • 20 years ago

    by Elise

    wow...that was a really deep poem, I love the way you wrote this poem..Awesome piece of work ! Keep writing ! Take care,

  • 20 years ago

    by BaybeBlew

    Great poem, it was well written and had an awesome topic, good job, keep writing.


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