Razor blades

by Cassandra   Aug 13, 2004

The razor that I hold,
Is more painful when it?s cold,
It cuts my skin with an icy sensation,
Till I move to the next location,
It slices my skin,
So easily with in,
I did him wrong so I punish myself this way,
But even though it is scary I must say,
I like the feeling I get,
When my body is filled with slits,
Blood drips down from the cut I so confidently made,
Try to stop me you?ll never persuade,
Me to quit this fun little game,
I signed my name,
With crimson ink,
That is now dripping all over my sink.


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  • 20 years ago

    by Kerri

    OMG...your poem reached out to me and i took the whole thing in. you are an amazing writer!! 5/5

  • 20 years ago

    by craig

    Love the title. Very graphic in places. What comes to mind is a tormented soul stareing into a black abyss. 5/5