Foster Care

by Robyn Park   Aug 14, 2004

Moving around from town to town
With no place to call my own
It’s not my fault I’m in foster care
I never wanted to feel so alone

But circumstances I couldn’t vary
Although I tried my best
I was taken from my mother
And had to change my address

I never really knew why
I was placed in foster care
Its not as if I was badly treated
At home, Mom was always there

But apparently the county
Had to butt in
Didn’t give my family a chance
To show them we could win

Foster care was horrid
With no love from my “parents”
I just wanted to go home
Where I wasn’t seen as transparent

I’ve been in and out of “the system”
All my life that I can recall
Early on around myself
I had built an unbreakable wall

I’m still behind that wall
I cannot break it down
Even though I’m back home
I’m scared to show a frown

I’m so used to pretending
I don’t know how to be real
I can show no one
How I truly feel

I met a lot of friends
While I was in foster care
Friends that I never see now
Friends that are never there

Foster care made me realized
That what people think doesn’t matter
I found this out when my
Whole world nearly shattered

I have no idea
What this poem is about
I tried to write about foster care
But my mind is filled with doubt.


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by Peggy

    Wow I know how you feel but keep your head up

  • 19 years ago

    by cici89

    hey gurl watz up. i love it. i am currently in the same boat. i go home in about 6 months. great job. 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by ** JeNa **

    another great poem, i loved it, ur an amazing writer w/ true talent, great job!!

  • 20 years ago

    by Kia

    great poem and another one i can relate to... i was never moved from house to house but i was adopted. if u ever need to talk e-mail me or im me or sum thing cuz i know how ya feel.
    Aol- TheUnusualOne06
    yahoo- unusual_one_06

  • 20 years ago

    by happy days

    i thoguht it was really good, im sorry if its true, keep it up and thanks for commenting on mine xxxx