I sit there thinking about you and me,
How it could never happen we can not be,
I care for you so much more then anything,
Then I look at my finger and look at the ring,
How I am supposed to marry a guy I don't love,
Then I look at the sky and see a beautiful dove,
And I remember that I gave my heart you,
If only you knew,
That I still think that we should be,
If only everyone could see,
That 3 years have passed,
And I still think of me and you and how I know our love can last,
So I look at a picture of you and your mom,
And how you took me to my prom,
But all that was to long ago,
I cant remember although,
Although I can still see you in my dreams,
And yesterday this all seems,
Today I went to see you and give you a wave,
But all I could see was you at your grave,
Today I feel so upset because I want to see you but everything I've tossed,
And now everything is forgotten and lost,
I wish I had a picture to see your beautiful face,
But everything is gone and it was you I had to erase,
I have to move on I have to let go,
But in my heart forever you will glow.
Please comment and vote this poem is very important to me.